Play Big Culture

our body rituals culture is an art to the craft of people building. Since it’s beginnings in 2005 1000’s can attest to the gifts this studio has brought in personal empowerment, growth, and relationship building with the self and for many long life and deep friendships. All testament to the intention of its creation. Here is a bit of our lingo so you may embrace our hearts desire for your well being in all aspects.


Leaders vs. Student. We are firm believers that within one’s self we already know what is best and needed for us to thrive. We develop a practice where you are in the front seat and we are here to guide you to the return to self, awareness, clarity of what your body needs, whether that’s support and patience, or a bit of a push into slight discomfort for growth. In a society where being healthy has become prevalent yet often is left for last, we recognize your leadership in taking care, responsibility, and being accountable to your wellbeing. When you take care of you, you take care of me, the load becomes lighter and we honor the leader in you, to not sit in the benches, rather come out and play, and hey, maybe sometimes even play big!

Guide vs. Teacher we are here not to teach for only you can truly know the needs of your body, mind and soul. We have done the journey to sitting at the seat of our soul. Our practice at body rituals is one from the somatic therapy aspect so we understand you will be well served to be guided yet the grandest teacher is the teacher within you. In this life it truly is you against you, our guiding style is to equip you with numerous techniques and tools that you are supported to practice at your pace, your need, your dharma.

what does it mean to play big

To play is to get out of the performance setting of living for image or identity and instead discover.
Adventure and be childlike wonder on what best works for you. To play big is to wonder and play without the fears, doubts, uncertainties that have been passed down. It’s to release encapsulated pain or trauma that limits us from following our hearts desires. To play big is not to change the world or become CEO, though it can be if that’s what makes your soul sing. To play big is that we free ourselves in such a way that we go after the things that light us up, not because their practical, because its what calls us, propels us and ultimately what lifts the collective. To be at peace is the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you for as you liberate yourself, you unconsciously create that ripple effect for those around you.

How can you support our play big mission?

Review us on google, yelp if you have an account, check in, tag us, share us or follow us on your FB or IG accounts. Our favorite is refer a friend

Meet Our Guides


Owner & Guide

Raquel Veisaga


Owner & Guide

Cassie Taan



Jodie Margolis



Lorna White



Rita Gay



Rhiannon Brown

A Sneak Peak of Our Products

We have a wide range of clients and our team of expert professionals is always ready to take any strike which helps you in boosting your brand.